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Old April 1st, 2002
gbrayut gbrayut is offline
Join Date: December 31st, 2001
Location: Sandy, ut
Posts: 22
gbrayut is flying high
Default Why? Why not?

well, its true that you can get most of xolox's features (and many many more) from other clients, but i have tried atleast 10 different clients so far, and i still think that xolox is in the top two or three. Xolox still has major problems, one being it has a very hard time connecting (and keeping) host connections. Now just because its not activly supported doesnt mean i'm going to drop everything and move on. If i can i'll help to fix a few flaws i will. Also i just like to play around with things and learn how they work. I think that gnutella is an awesome technology, with extremely good potential. you can find files on gnutella that you cant find anywhere else.

I hope that the develope
rs of xolox are going to release the source code, but if they dont, there will come a time where we all will have to move on. Right now gnucleus, which is an open source client, is looking very promising. They already have many of the features from xolox that i like, such as auto-researching and multi-source downloading, but they still have to work out a few things before i'm ready to switch over. I wish i could help more, but i only have very very very basic programing skills, so for right now i am doing what i can by offering my advice and opinions.

You have to remember, the people that made xolox were professional programers who were probably getting paid, which is not the case for most other clients. Its no surprise that the xolox, while it is much younger than a lot of the other clients, is still very advanced in features. In my opinion, it sounds like the developers made xolox to test out their coding ability, and not to make a really good xolox client. After they had tested their software, and showed what they could do, they desided to move on to another project. Thats ok though, they still left us with a great client, and gave some of the other clients new ideas.

If anyone is interested in moving to another client, i would suggest gnucleus or edonkey. both are good clients. They can be found at . Just dont expect them to do all the work for you, like xolox does.

P.S. I did use some code, i used a fixed width font for the table. Maybe i'll read the help for more info....

Last edited by gbrayut; April 2nd, 2002 at 04:48 PM.
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