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Old March 26th, 2008
ColinClayton89 ColinClayton89 is offline
Join Date: March 26th, 2008
Posts: 2
ColinClayton89 is flying high
Cool Wow!! Who else suddenly cannot get on the network ?

I have been using Limewire for years noe suddenly, well a month ago this Firewall appears one computer cannot access the other one still getting downloads even with the brick wall image. Now !! 2 days ago cannot access at all.

1.8 GHz PCs 2 GB free hard drive space. Switched Windows Firewall off - no use still no access. Modem is Arris, router site com. It was the wireless conncted PC that kept on working.

I cannot live without Limewire. Please help.


Dr. Colin Clayton - and I am a Techy !!!
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