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Old March 28th, 2008
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marblezilla marblezilla is offline
Join Date: March 13th, 2008
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Oh oh. Are they the wrong type of ear shape? wait, I know...they don't have Gizmo's unique character. He's probably saying "Grrrrr...those ears suck. Well, at least I don't look like Dumbo."

I knew I was going to copyright hell. Improvising is gonna get me in trouble, Heh.

The Ear-buds were a good idea. The wires could hang down and the less of a headphone above Gizmo's head, the more of Giz can be seen in the pic. But earbuds are so small, and because the headphones pressed his in, he still wouldn't look right without some creative altering.

I'm not sure if I'm focusing too much on making Gizmo a transparent trimmed GIF, rather than doing a nice transition between the pic and a name image.

Last edited by marblezilla; March 28th, 2008 at 11:08 PM.
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