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  #15 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2008
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marblezilla marblezilla is offline
Join Date: March 13th, 2008
Location: Calif
Posts: 19
marblezilla is flying high

No worries.

Gizmo deserves 5.1 surround sound anyways. We wont even mention that rumor he was seen listening to Vanilla Ice.

Being an Audiophile, Gizmo probably thinks that surround sound is almost up to his standards. When he wants to listen to The Rolling Stones, he just calls up Mick on the phone and tells him to come on over. He always says "Don't play You Can't Always Get What You Want, cause When It Comes To Music, I DO.

Heh, OK, back to reality.Here's what I was talking about when I said a transition type of GIF.

One goes from Giz to your name on a blue background. The name slowly fades in while Giz fades out.

Name:  new_gizmo.gif
Views: 155
Size:  26.6 KB

The other just fades in the name.

Name:  giz4.gif
Views: 145
Size:  36.7 KB

Annnnddddd, just for good measure, here's one more set of ear mutations. Boy, aren't those ears perky! I'll bet a dog could hear a wider frequency range with those!

Name:  new_ears.jpg
Views: 166
Size:  26.0 KB

Last edited by marblezilla; March 29th, 2008 at 06:26 AM.
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