Man , with the swap file defined on my Corsair Key, it just rocks. The HD led hardly ever lights, no sounds going out of the HD.
I bet well when I said the programmers had defined the storing place on the virtual Ram HDswap
So now to perfect the stuff I need the programmers to allow us to define the Incomplete and the complete folder separately.
After they get this done, I think we will have to optimize a bit the work of transfert from the incompleteKey to the completeHD.
I don't know the exact functionning of the USB Bus or the Key's interface, but I bet that simultaneous incoming/outcoming data might be tricky (Oooooooooooh my god I love silence !!!!!!!! I tell you it's soooo relaxing without this small krrkrkrkrkrkrkrkrkr )
So we need to [wait , I just got the simplest idea in the world] |