Hi caseybob,
I've never seen the situation that you've described (identical massive number of hits on files). Which version of LW are you using? Have you tried rolling back to older versions of LW, just to see whether this might be version-related?
The helpers here are LW users, just like you...we don't work for or represent LW in any way

So, if you're looking for an 'official' response from LW this isn't the place to get it

Perhaps no senior members or moderators here replied to your earlier posts because they don't have an answer for you.
If you'd like a response from LW developers, or people who work for LW, try posting your question at this other forum. You'll need to register over there, before you can post.
LimeWire Forums
If you're using the latest version of LW, or the latest Beta version, post in the 'bugs & beta testing' section...a developer might respond to your post there.