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Old April 7th, 2008
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Originally Posted by AaronWalkhouse View Post
Since a tip is just
hearsay, they cannot go directly to a warrant and the chaotic nature of gnutella
means they might not be able to find it even if your tip is detailed and accurate.
Sorry that I saw this only now: The police can and will come straight to your door.

Why should they try to download from you, when they can just retrace your IP address to you and grab your computer?

Your computer holds far better evidence of your downloads than any of their searches could show.

The only reasons why they shouldn't do this, are because the police people involved might think you a small fish just like their own children, downloading some music off the net and still buying CDs of their favourite artists.

And because they don't have unlimited resources, and have far better ways to spend their time than trying to catch music pirates. For example catching murderers, drug dealers and similar.

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