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Old April 12th, 2008
kukalula kukalula is offline
Join Date: April 12th, 2008
Posts: 1
kukalula is flying high
Default Really bizarre downloading problem... (iMac)

I'm experiencing a really strange problem with downloaded files that I get off limewire...

Basically, I open up Limewire and type in the track I'm looking for. The results show up, and I download one of them. But, when it's finished downloading, and I click on "launch" nothing happens...

So, I go to my Limewire downloads folder and locate the downloaded file...I double click...nothing happens.

I go to my iTunes, because my Limeware shared folder appears in iTunes automatically, and when I locate the song and double click it, again, nothing happens. However, next to the track name in my iTunes, in the track duration column, instead of it giving me the running time of the track, it just says "continuous"...really strange. So, I have to close Limewire and iTunes to remove the file that doesn't play...

I've noticed that it always happens when I type into the search the title and artist names...oh, and when I conduct a search, there is always the same file that comes up, that has a fairly rude title of a sexual nature...I don't know if that's something to do with it, but it just all seems bizarre...

One other thing - I use a brand new, I tried downloading the same file onto my window XP laptop and the same thing happened, but when windows media player opened it, it simply said that the file has an extension that does not match the file format...does that mean anything?

Please help!
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