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Old April 13th, 2008
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Originally Posted by tenenb View Post
I just fixed it (temporarlily ?) by unchecking "connect at startup"... Looks like a bug, doesn't it?
Hiya !

Fact is, there are almost NO programs that you want to have 'start' or 'launch' on Startup !!!

'Protection programs', yes...
Auto-connect to the internet ? NO
Auto-start ANY programs that need an internet connection to load properly ? NO (Accept for protection apps)

Think about this...
You start your computer - Operating System starts to load...
That does NOT mean that your OS has FINISHED loading before >

Some applications start trying to connect in order to perform auto-updates...
A p2p 'client' starts up and tries to connect to hosts...
Same p2p client also tries to start incompleted downloads...
MAYBE your anti-virus/firewall program(s) have started by now... MAYBE NOT...
There is a LOT MORE stuff going on, believe it !
No matter what your desktop may look like after 30 seconds or a minute, you need to wait... Wait at least 3 minutes after starting or restarting... At least !
Then you can use your machine... NOT before !

Boring, huh ?
So is having to deal with viruses and maybe having to do a CHKDSK routine using your original Windows Install disk !
Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD) is a common event for those who allow auto-start and auto-connect junk to run on their machines !

NEVER enable 'Connect On Startup' or 'Load On Startup' with ANY filesharing program !

It is an absurdity that such an option is even offered...
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