Originally Posted by Basic.J ...I seem to keep reading about software but how good are the so-called hard drive cleaners and are they as good as they claim to be.
I have Window Washer 6.5. Build. |
WW is the ONLY really good one.
But, 'really good' is relative, hmmm ?
...claim to work wonders and miracles ...if I delete my documents and clean my hard drive with them. All documents , music and files can never be recovered , but how much of this is true.?
Easy answer: None of it.
Do you use these.?
Have you in the past.?
Have you used something better.?
Yes... WW exclusively now (Except for testing newer apps).
5 years.
What are the best f r e e downloads.?
Links and thoughts on this topic.
This topic... the efficacy of so-called washers or wipers, has been a point of discussion
amongst the mods here for a few weeks now...
My experience is basic as in every day on many machines ...what I am about to describe is NOT some anomaly related to a single computer...
I have run WW, Registry Mechanic (btw, just because Reg Mech is good does not mean that Spyware Doctor should even be considered !), Diskeeper normal defragment followed by a FULL boot-time defragmentation and...
wait for it...
STILL been able to recover
deleted files with a very simple recovery program.
WW is great for maintenance... Enhanced Security does not exist via software.
Enhanced Security that is = to, "My files are GONE. I can relax !", is easy to achieve...
Take your HDD, open the case using whatever method you like, and physically destroy the disks with a hatchet and acid and fire.
Anything short of that = BSing oneself !
p.s. re: WW... Be VERY careful doing the Options setups...
NEVER allow it to start and run on system start...
Wipe out updates and incomplete downloads and all sorts of other amusing things ! Adobe updates will run for ever that way !
If you have any problems with disabling the Start on system start function, let me know... There is a registry setting that needs to be deleted... This is a definite bug that I see many times.