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Old April 20th, 2008
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Originally Posted by AaronWalkhouse View Post
The download mesh is not enough to call probable cause.
That's still just another uncorroborated tip or lead which
they would have to follow up on to get a shared file list.


Do you really want to scare people away from P2P so
First: It's a tip they can follow up on in the most simple way: Getting a search warrant.

And I don't want to scare people away from p2p. I want to make them aware of the dangers of p2p, so they take the proper precautions to decrease the chance of getting into problems.

Sharing copyrigthed files (which aren't licensed under free or open licenses) in p2p is illegal in almost every country.

And I would be able to spot you as another downloader of a file I download myself - and I could do that at this very moment. There's no mumbo jumbo involved: Just having a look at the candidates section in Phex will get me the IP of anyone who isn't behind a LAN router (about half the people).

That's why I go for anonymous p2p, even though its speed is much inferiour to non-anonymous p2p.

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