Well worth checking thru this list:
P2P Forums :: View topic - P2PForums.com's Guide to Avoiding Rogue P2P Sites
Keep in mind that list is an older one & 'new' scam sites exist!!! The following is a
Quick Reference list & an abbreviated list that only applies to p2p apps that are related to the Gnutella Forums & is a more up to date list than the previous link; the 2nd list below (re: LimeWire) specifically refers to sites reported on this forum & is more thorough than the general list but check both re: LW scam sites:
* * * (PLEASE report your dealings with the scam site here: Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) | Home If more people report these scam sites the FBI might be able to get them off the internet for good; permanently beridded of! So on your behalf & other potential leagues of the scammed, "please" report your experience!) This was recently posted by gubatron on the LW forums: Finally, they go against Scam sites; ie: if enough people report them then hopefully similar action will be taken!!!
Scammer Website Owner Revealed (click on link) also has other links you can make official complaints to. General Rogue P2P 'Scam' Sites: 
/http://newnet.qsrch.com/dpark?s=ip-mp3support.net&prt=nn01 (
Known as ip-mp3support.net, Winmx offers & eventually get Limewire)
/http://www.limewiredownloads*******saleslimewirecom/ (links to heaps of others!)
LimeWire official site: (Website link removed because the Official Website closed for business late October 2010. To obtain a LimeWire installer, please click
List compiled from this thread or elsewhere on forum Rogue Sites: 
/http://************access.com/ (aka ************Access.com alias Free-Limewire.com)
(aka Free-Limewire.com alias ************Access.com) based in Netherlands
/http://newnet.qsrch.com/dpark?s=ip-mp3support.net&prt=nn01 (
known as ip-mp3support.net & offer Winmx but give you Limewire upon updating)
/http://ultimatetvshows.com/ -:- (- uses eTomi)
/http://www.360share.com/ -:- (- uses 360Share)
(Quote: "We are in no way affiliated with: A company called Ares Software Download or Ares Galaxy, offering ARES P2P, a free (?) peer to peer file sharing program") But they offer a scam LW Basic at a high price & other rubbish.
/http://www.freemusic.com/****** Music dot com
FrostWire official site: FrostWire.com - Official Website - Free Download - Gnutella/BitTorrent Client - Don't pay anyone for subscriptions (FREE Download!!!)
Rogue Sites: 
Arrow Shareaza: Official Sites
Shareaza - Bringing P2P Together Official Home of Shareaza
Rogue Sites: 
/http://shareaza.ca/ (Clone of Shareaza.com)
/http://shareza.com/ (Clone of Shareaza.com)
/http://www.sharaza.com/ (Clone of Shareaza.com)
/http://www.shareaza.co.uk/ (Clone of Shareaza.com)
Arrow Morpheus: Official Sites
Morpheus free P2P file sharing program. Free music downloads, games, movies, video, and more. Rogue Sites: 
/http://www.morphus.com (Clone of Morpheus.com)
Bearshare: Official Sites
http://download.bearshare.com/ Rogue Sites: 
eMule: A FREE program!!!
Official Sites
eMule-Project.net - Official eMule Homepage. Downloads, Help, Docu, News... eMule-Project.net - Official eMule Homepage. Downloads, Help, Docu, News... eMule.net - eMule Download, eMule FAQ, eMule News SourceForge.net: eMule Rogue Sites: 
I mentioned before but worth repeating are
Limewire & Shareaza Clones:
Limewire clones - Gnutella Forums
http://www.lime-wire.net/ Scum version - see sample scam web page! Etomi dirty clone with spyware
from mp3downloading.com / filesharingcentre.com/ More about Etomi
Here! 360Share is equivalent to Etomi & also sold by scam sites such as 360share.com/ & others!
Note!: If you've been scammed by such a site but it isn't listed here, please send me a pm so I can add it to the list. Simply click my username & select send personal message from the drop down menu & tell me the details: the site address & name & what they were offering, etc. I will need to verify it however! If I don't have enough details or I can't verify it then it won't be added! Any site that says Lifetime membership or Unlimited downlds or free music, movies, games, etc. is a scam site. Movie Download Scam Sites | THE source for BitTorrent & P2P Tips, Tricks and Info. | FileShareFreak
Below is the icon of one of a chain of scam sites that goes under different names & has multiple addresses. The
Squid sucks the blood out of your finances.
_ http://www-etomi.com/g/,
_ 360share - Your Ultimate Music & Movie Download Site _ &
_ Bearshare2008.com - Your Ultimate Music & Movie Download Site are just a few of many on the above list with this logo.
If you would like to see the first four pages of a 'typical' scam site, click on the first four (4) attachments at bottom of post (were a little large to show on this page.

CLICKBANK is frequently used by Scam sites for their payments! LimeWire do not use ClickBank.
_ ClickBank claim they are in process of removing scam sites from their business, time will tell!
http://www.gnutellaforums.com/genera...-websites.html (However week later & still scam sites using ClickBank to handle their payments as reported on these forums by a victim.)
A problem with these things happening is people using search engines such as Google which show Sponsored results & people get confused.
None of the official gnutella programs above pay for Sponsored advertisements. Only SCAM sites pay for sponsored search results!!!
And another typical Google Scam advertisement (if you would like to see the first 4 pages of that advertised site, click on the first 4 attachments below):