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Old April 30th, 2008
lucasuam lucasuam is offline
The bellboy
Join Date: November 14th, 2004
Location: Mexico
Posts: 42
lucasuam is flying high

Originally Posted by Manifest0 View Post
Mandriva got rid of every p2p client which isn't a torrent client.
For phex in mandriva you need to:
install java
donwload the phex .jar file

run: $ java -jar phex.jar (you can associate this in kde or gnome so every time you click the phex.jar file the "java -jar phex.jar" command runs)

EDIT: Where can I get an icon for the desktop?
Best regards,
Yes it works as you explained

I really like the interface... clean and neat.. althouh I could never close the app to the systray, however it's a great app.

I hope soon is in my native language (Spanish) and also hope in a near future , ALL the java devs/coders write an applet where we users can increase/change the size/style of the fonts. This is something that stoped me to use limewire/frostwire (so hard to read in my 1680x1050 monitor

Kind Regards


EDIT Where can I get an icon for my Desktop?

Last edited by lucasuam; April 30th, 2008 at 12:35 PM. Reason: I forgot to ask something .. Where can I get an icon for my Desktop?
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