Hi Luis,
Originally Posted by lucasuam LOL .. yes!!...
I've read; in your blog, you are learning the language, so I guess you'll have the chance to make some corrections... ;=) |
I'm struggling with learning, yes
It's hard living in three languages at the same time (Deutsch for my real life, english for my computer life and learning Espaņol for my love and wife - and some Esperanto when I manage to find time to speak the language I'd like to see as worldwide second language
I recently switched to learning with computer games. There's "Lost magic" which is avaible in Deutsch and Espaņol, so I play one chapter german and then the same again in spanish to get a better feeling of the language.
No hablo muy de espaņol,
but far too much english,
und mein Deutsch scheint manchmal darunter zu leiden
BTW, It took me 2 years living in Hamburg to learn a little bit of Deutsch and I now (after 10 years) I've forgotten allez. RLMAO
I can imagine that
There's schoolbooks in germany which begin with the sentence "Deutsch ist schwer"
Best wishes,