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Old May 7th, 2008
ledhead ledhead is offline
Join Date: May 7th, 2008
Posts: 1
ledhead is flying high
Default Yep...another connection problem

My girlfriend recently got Comcast high speed (the budget pack), and I can't get her computer to connect to FW. She has no third party firewalls installed, she had an outdated Norton firewall but I removed it. I even removed all Norton related regristry entries. I disabled the Windows Firewall as well. She can connect to torrents through utorrent, but FW will not establish a connection. She is using a rental modem, which I thought may have came with a pesky hardware firewall, but this isn't the case. I hooked my laptop up and FW connected instantly. She is running an old eMachines (I know...) with XP service pack 2. I believe her RAM is 256 but I'm not sure. I'm thinking Norton may have closed FW's preferred ports but since Norton is gone I have to way of checking or reconfiguring this. I made the mistake of mentioning that this may be fixed by re installing Windows. I told her I would have to back up her huge photo and music collections (50GB+), and that all seems like real a real PITA. But I want to get this working just so she'll shut up about it.
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