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Old May 12th, 2008
lucasuam lucasuam is offline
The bellboy
Join Date: November 14th, 2004
Location: Mexico
Posts: 42
lucasuam is flying high


Thanks for your reply.

The new dialogs still don't work. as my first EDIT states...

They are translated but it seems that there is a mistake (or typo) from your side that does not show the Filter Ports Dialog box in Spanish.

In my EDIT2 I meant to say that I had made a mistake changing some values (which in my opinion should be translated) but I left them as they were before 'cuase they were freezing the Hosts tab.

Sorry if I was not so clear.

So, if you want to leave this dialog box untranslated, for me is just Ok... I just wanted to clarify.

Other than taht... ust go for it...

Kind Regards

Luis C.
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