Ridiculously slow download speed (mainly with video) I’m beyond frustrated at this point and I don’t understand why I have found so little information on this problem because it’s an amazingly consistent problem that every single person I know has been struggling with. When downloading any file that contains video, almost any file that inst an audio format, regardless to the number of hosts downloading from, the KB/s transfer rate is always ridiculously slow (1 KB/s – 30 KB/s MAX) while downloading any audio file at the same time will download at an average of 150 KB/s. My DSL is clocked at a consistent average of about 1MB/s. I’ve reset the DSL and Lime wire connection a million times, changed computers, even changes ISP’s by using friends internet at numerous locations. I’ve used different programs to connect to the Gnutella such as PHEX and Frostwire. My operating system has no bugs, no ad ware, no malicious files, programs, or activity. I’ve even ran a packet sniffer and sifted through several days worth of IP traffic searching for any suspicious activity. While 90% of the DL problems are associated with video formats, what has actually driven me to post this problem is that at the current moment, my download speed from the Gnutella network will not exceed 35 KB/s for some reason regardless as to what file format I am trying to download and how many hosts it is downloading from. Any information on this problem is greatly appreciated as well as acknowledgement from others having this same, or similar problems so we (meaning I and virtually every person I personally know using limewire) will know were not the only ones. Thanks to all |