Thread: itunes
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old April 5th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Question launching from LWire 2.3 into iTunes.(ditto)

Ditto, folks..
I had the LWire freeware, and it defaulted to iTunes, now quicktime player launches when hit the launch button in LW library.
* I saw some instruction to de-select something in the LWire Options menu, but there's nothing to de-select.
-guess I'll try the reinstall again and see what happens.
*Another thought:
at the end of a downloading session, open your iTunes Library and the download file from LWire, and transfer them (highlight/drag) them over to iTunes, or try an import function.. it's worked pretty well for me, though sometimes I have to double check that they actually show in the iTunes Library, (sometimes they're in the iTunes library file folders, but not on the player library itself..odd but it happens)
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