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Old May 18th, 2008
yinyang.account yinyang.account is offline
Join Date: May 18th, 2008
Posts: 8
yinyang.account is flying high

Originally Posted by Peerless View Post
if this is a first time, one time, occurrence then forensic analysis of your HDD would prove that....
this has happened before i believe which is why i think i deleted the program awhile back because the program LimeWire had these illegal files to begin with. Then having seen Frostwire and had entered in the keywords in the filter, i thought this wouldnt happen again. I'm thinking about never downloading the damn file searching things ever again cause this is bs theres some much crap on these servers. trying to find a good bdsm video sometimes gay (if that says anything about my orientation) instead i get something potentially illegal. its bullcrap. what happened was i entered gay **** (i like those dramas) and then i just hit shift key to get like all the ones above 10 gigs. so i must have had a good 50 or so legal ones and 3 were under the radar and got in the imcomplete folder. this really scared the turds out of me.

i deleted the files, the entire incomplete folder and defragged almost ten times.

seriously, why doesnt limewire or frostwire just set their own filter on their server already - jeebus
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