Originally Posted by Peerless because there are no servers....sounds like you need to do a little research on modern p2p programs....the only 'servers' are each person's shared folder which is on their own machine.... |
alright - im still learning bout this stuff, i do appreciate the knowledge. btw i dont have a burner. so they were deleted and defragged. i read up a few posts up that if they are deleted which they are then i stand a chance explaining myself if fbi investigate me, may. but thats their waste of time being A) i dont have any potential or real illegal files on the drive B) they may not have been even real illgeal movies - perhaps they were just tagged pedo or 14yo - but in fact just another misltagged tag (which many seem to be jsut tags, example, was downloading a gay porn tagged gay and came out was about some girl ****ing a guy, mistagged, maybe these were misstagged too)
so im not too worried now that im using my logical brain. its just really doesnt seem worth my stress to use these programs. then again maybe i should look before i leap rather than hit shift and download many files tagged one thing which may be tagged with something else as well.
example: "hey ill enter gay porn into the search" hey look 20 files, weee!!!! click, download all....hey what the? whats this in my folder? oh god what if its real? DELETE DELETE DELETE... this has happened in the past when i download multiple files. thats why i swicthed to frostwire but yet again filtering wasnt enough - means i cant download multple files - i have to read each file being before downloading...which sucks cause i like downloading many files cause many wont download fast enough lol