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Old May 25th, 2008
marshy marshy is offline
Join Date: May 22nd, 2008
Posts: 5
marshy is flying high
Default Frostwire/Itunes issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, so I recently downloaded Frostwire because my Limewire seems to have stopped working. I managed to download all the stuff I wanted to. But when it came to transfereing it to my Itunes Library It didn't happen, Instead I get a message that comes up telling me that it is not a valid podcast URL (its not even a podcast), next to the song is a weired symbol like an upward facing sound ripple and where it supposed to say how long the song is it just says 'continuous', what is going on, is it to do with the compatibility? or something. Please help, I WOULD APPRECIATE ALL INPUTS.
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