Ok, i have some more details.....sorry about that. I guess it can be hard to try and help someone when you have no idea on anything!!!
Ok, i am using Windows XP, i have broadband, i'm connecting from my house, my Limewire version is 4.16.7 and Java is 1.6.0_01. I don't know what a firewall is (not up with all the technical side of things....sorry), not sure about how much ram i have or my hard disc space, Telstra is my provider, the test worked, no i'm not sharing the connection, its a new problem with an experienced user, YES there is a brickwall (?) and my antivirus is AVG 8.0.
I hope this helps out. The thing is, it was all working fine before, no probs at all and then one day i turned my computer on and it just didn't want to work and thats when i had to download it all again and then it was ok and now it just doesn't want to show the search results.
Thanks again for any help.