Originally Posted by Forum monkey I am well against CP and that, I was disgusted the other day when downloading a movie from another host I browsed their files, much to my amazment and disgust there must have been 200+ cp files there. No comes the prediciment on what to do?,
do I
a) report it - then get in trouble for downloading adult stuff from them (not CP by the way)
or just shrug it off as life has it.
I blocked the ip address striaght away so can't find out what it is again! |
Are you sure you had the IP address? If things were that simple, in the US anyway, you would have cops doing the same thing. Unless I'm wrong a cop with a IP address one can go to Dell or whoever and find out who the machine is registered with for warranty purposes.
Making that knowledge public in most Western countries will scare off every CP distributor of note.