Originally Posted by Peerless you're wrong....and IP address is similar to a house address...it is not an ID of the computer.... |
thanks for that Peer. I'd like to believe that but this site, for a few dollars, claims they can identify your very house with a IP number:
Or, I think, give me my IP address by entering my home street address.
My point is that if the cops collect my IP address via my downloading or uploading something to/from my PC they can pinpoint the street address.
If I'm allowing someone to collect my IP address and I don't know how to disguise or hide it its effectively public information.
I assume my only option, assuming I'm one of the bad guys here is to dump my computer, get a new one for cash and never register the warranty or anything else for that matter.
And if I want my enemy to get arrested all I have to do is buy his old but registered computer, not change the address, download and share CP then watch the cops fruitlessly raid his home.
I actually hope I'm wrong on all this, that my privacy can't be invaded that easily but with the web site I referred to the scenario is realistic. Show me how I'm wrong. Please