Massive CPU utilization on Ubuntu I've had various version of LW on Ubunutu for the past few years, and very frequently, CPU utilization spikes and stays there. In the system monitor utility, its Java thats consuming all the CPU (limewire is frequently shown as sleeping ??).
This behavior has been consistent through the past 5 or so versions of all these pieces of software. Sometimes, I just launch LW, and its doing nothing, and it just starts slamming the CPU. Even more painful, is on the dual core I run now, the linux scheduler gets into the game and the round robin CPU utilization makes the system nearly hang as workload is swapped from one core to another. Its been happening for years, and each time I upgade, I hope it won't happen again. But alas....
I'm currently running Hardy (8.04), with Java 1.6.06. and LW 4.17.9 pro. |