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Old June 2nd, 2008
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Originally Posted by angie g View Post
I am having trouble, not opening limewire, but downloading. The note that pops up says that I am connected but not fully connected. I have deleted limewire completely and re-instated but still no joy. The five lines on the bottom of the screen are brown but on my other laptop they show green?????
What do you think?
Originally Posted by mewant2play View Post
I had LW basic and one day I recieved a message stating that there were fony messages and I thought that is was a false message but it looked up to date so I did what it said and that was to install a lower version of LW basic. After doing so I haven't been able to connect, it stays at one bar and behind a firewall. I then upgraded to LW Pro thinking it would turn out for the best but it still does the same, it stays at one bar and behind a firewall. Before I was able to conect but ever since that day I haven't been able to. I need serious help!?!
In Limewire Links (below) click on (If LW will not connect) and go through these fixes -- also this link (Fixes for LW when LW isn't operating as it should) if yr problem still remains click on (system details)fill in and post back here

Limewire links: (If LW 5 will not connect) (If LW 4 will not connect)(system details) (LW Clean Reinstallation Instructions) (setting up your firewall to accept LW)

LW links are changed at times to match the current problems.
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