Saving to Folder on external drive problem I have version 4.16.7. In the past, I have set things up where my downloads get saved to my external hard drive (G\ ). But since i got this version, Limewire won't load. It tells me that it's an invalid drive, may be corrupt, or i may not have permissions to save to that location. ANd it forces me to choose another destination, which it only accepts the default. (yes, i am the administrator. and NO, my G drive is not corrupted...) So it's forcing me to save my files to my hard drive (C\) and won't load otherwise.
THEN, when it finally loads, I have to go to TOOLS, OPTIONS and try changing the Save Folder to G:\. I change my settings, and it takes several minutes to accept my changes. Now, once i have everythign the way i want it, i have no problems whatsoever downloading, and i'm very happy with limewire. But when i close the program down at the end of the day, and restart at some point, I go thru this all over again.
I dont remember what version of limewire i had prior to this, but i NEVER had this problem.
What's going on? and how can I stop this from happening EVERY TIME!?!
THank you.
PS, I have VIsta, but that wasn't a problem in the past either. |