Filter Bug Sleepedit: This thread has been merged
When you add a new filter rule, it works while you are in phex. If you exit phex and then attempt to start the app againt, it will not start. Here is the error log:
080611 10:54:42,0234(102) Error/GLOBAL:: java.lang.NullPointerException - Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
at phex.xml.sax.rules.DNotCondition.createCondition(U nknown Source)
at phex.xml.sax.rules.DAndConcatCondition.createCondi tion(Unknown Source)
at phex.rules.SearchFilterRules.load(Unknown Source)
at phex.query.QueryManager.initialize(Unknown Source)
at phex.common.ManagerController.initializeManagers(U nknown Source)
at phex.Main.main(Unknown Source)
Last edited by Sleepless; June 11th, 2008 at 10:05 AM.