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Old June 20th, 2008
jmlm1977 jmlm1977 is offline
Join Date: June 20th, 2008
Location: Randolph, NJ
Posts: 5
jmlm1977 is flying high
Unhappy Connection problem on Desktop and not laptop

OK, first time post. Hope someone can help with this. Tried most of the solutions posted here but nothing works. So here goes....

Laptop is DELL 8600 running LW 4.8.0 & Java 1.6.0_05, Desktop (built-from-scratch) is running LW 4.8.0 & Java 1.6.0_06. Both have Windows Security on, both have Limewire checked as an exception. Both PCs have AVG Security Firewall Installed with default options. Limewire and AVG Security installed in default directories. All options match each other on both systems.

Limewire runs as an UltraPeer on the laptop and refuses to connect on the desktop. (I even added TCP and UDP ports to desktop and switched between UPNP and Manual Port Forward).

Also tried the fix mentioned above to delete the .limewire directory from C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Limewire. I do not have auto-start selected and do not load limewire in the system tray. I manually start each time I want to use it. Yes, I did go thru the LW wizard when I restarted limewire. Also tried deleting and reinstalling.

Now what do I do?????

I really want to get this working on the new PC because its REALLY FAST ( AMD dual core 6400 cpu's, 4 GB memory, 2 320GB 10K rpm drives, etc...)

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