Can Never Get a Good Connection Ok before I moved to Japan (military) everything with Limewire worked beautifully and I always got my Turbo Charged connection. Now that I'm in Japan living off base with Fiber internet I'm running into all kinds of problems and I'm unsure if maybe this ISP here blocks or throttles Limewire or what is going on.
What happens is:
I can connec to Limewire and it will come up with Starting Connection the problem is that it never really makes it past Starting Connection, occasionally it will go up to Fair/Good but then even when I search for files when downloading them it TRIES 100's of hosts and never starts downloading and then my connection goes back down to Starting Connection. I'm having this problem with just about anything P2P or Torrent related. My first thought is that it has something to do with uPnP not working. When I was trying to download a WoW update their updater wouldn't work and it would say No uPnP Device or whatever. Well I know my router supports uPnP and it's turned and I haven't changed anything from the time I left the states so the WILD CARD here is the ISP and the Fiber Optic router they set up.
Can I do the uPnP stuff manually and if so how? I've seen stuff about it but am unsure what I would need to do to make it work manually. Could this be my overall problem? Anyhelp would be greatly appreciated as this is totally frustrating. I can use Newgroups and download at 50MBps or more sometimes but I can't download from P2P and there is no way to know if it's just a different configuration I need to run or if it's something this ISP here in Japan is doing to prevent it. Thank you.
I just tried to manually port forward instead of the uPnP that isn't working then I restarted and yet still I log into Limewire and it goes to Fair connection stays there awhile and then craps back to Starting Connection. Could it just be this ISP can't communicate with anything very well over here in Japan even though my connection is rediculous depending on what I'm DLing? I know it's not PC related because I have 3 PC's hooked up on this network and all 3 experience the same issue with Limewire, it has to be Router/Modem/ISP based but I ruled out the router as nothing changed with it from the time I left the states EXCEPT I had to configure it for PPPoE connection because that's how my internet connection works here, could this be the culprit? Any solutions? Thanks.
Last edited by cmjstota; June 21st, 2008 at 08:09 AM.