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Old June 18th, 2007
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Default How to create a New Thread; Your First post .. how to start it. And how to find your posts

Find the section of the forum that most suits your topic. And double-check by looking at the short description of the purpose of the forum section just near the top of the page. eg: you may see Getting Started Using LimeWire Tips on getting started with LimeWire. Also a place to seek help getting started.

Then find and press the New Thread button just below that description to the far left of the page near the top. This will allow you to create your own new thread. Of course, you should detail your thread as to your problem, details of your computer system, etc. Newbie's Guide To Writing A Good Thread (click on blue link) and for system details: System details - help us to help you (click on blue link) and post in accordance with the Gnutella Forum RULES.

Before you post a new thread, do a forum search to see if a similar problem has not been previously answered using forum search function & checking forum section posts, and if there are red Sticky's at the top of the forum section, then be sure you have had a look to see if there's no previous answer to your issue. Example of a Sticky: Stickies are answers to commonly asked questions.

*** Newbie's Guide To Writing A Good Thread (click on blue link) ***

See sample image below to create a New Thread & see what Sticky listing looks like in a section index listing:

New to forums? For more information about how this forum works, click on the FAQ link here or above.
A thread is the entire collection of posts under one topic. A post is an individual post by a single member.

Links are the underlined words in blue which will show an orange color if you hover your cursor over top. Clicking a link will take you to a different url page on the forum or a different site. Members sometimes give links to help you find your answers easily & quickly.

Who are the forum leaders: Forum Leaders page, which lists the Administrators, Super Moderators, Section Moderators, and Valued Members (VM's are members who are reknown for helping other members on these forums.)

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; April 6th, 2009 at 10:33 PM.