Originally Posted by birdy |
Instructions for Setting up a Static IP for VISTA _____ If you didn't set up a static ip first, then you will need to delete the port forward rule you set, & re do it starting with a static ip, then setting the port forward rule again.
BTW I am aware at times around Japan they do suffer from isp bandwidth overload. Also some of the pipes between countries from Japan can also become overloaded. From memory I think some ISP's in Japan do shape or have some kind of limitations re: p2p ... best to check their fine detail in the ISP support guidelines & rules.
Another point is .. hard wiring internet for heavy bandwidth use is much much more reliable. Wireless is much less reliable or consistent (bandwidth may drop & rise at various times & for torrents may result in loss of connection at times).
However, the router model range (wrt54g) you are using is a "lemon" in that the firmware had problems & Linksys never fixed the firmware that came with it & is unreliable for use in UPnP mode. Port forwarding is the best way to go. And although there is a 3rd party fix for the firmware, we do not recommend it to novices since a mistake may render the device unusable. Thus with the Linksys wrt54g range for heavy bandwidth you will probably notice sudden drops of connection at times when run in UPnP mode. Whilst port forwarding improves it for that model, it's still not perfect but certainly much better than it would be. (Of course we are talking about making the best use of the router with its firmware problems.)