hello everybody
I'm new in all this so i listened that mac has no virus or anything like that, so I'm just want that you confirm.
i want to download the
**DON"T post the name of the copyrighted program that you want to download**, and some plugins for mac, so if anybody has it or can tell me if it works and if is sure tho download it will be great....
im from Morelia, Mexico
i have a Mac os x version 10.4.11 processor 1.83 GHz itel core 2 Duo memory 512 MB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM, START UP DISK: macintosh HD, ¨Bus speed 667 MHz¨ ≤ i dont now whats that but anyway
i can´t find the ram, hard disk space available and router....:?
i looked for modem, and i get this
Apple External 56K Modem (v.32)
Apple External 56K Modem (v.34)
Apple External 56K Modem (v.90)
Apple External 56K Modem (v.92)
Apple Personal Modem
i connect from my house
i do see a brick wall
i share my connection whit others computers by a inalambric ethernet
LM 4.12.11
java 1.5.0._13
i think i dont have any security programs or antivirus...
all the things i missed is cuz i dont understent preety good the english...
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