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Old April 8th, 2002
manny's_mad manny's_mad is offline
Join Date: March 13th, 2002
Location: UK
Posts: 47
manny's_mad is flying high

I'm not too picky about "unregistered" users. It's fine by me if they don't want to be attached or commited to the forum. But, I think it's only fair that those who posted questions or comments should have the courtesy of coming back to the thread and see if they've got replies. And when they have, I think it's only fair that they at least say "thanks" to the replier. It seems that many, especially among the "unregistered", don't bother to check their own thread, even when someone was kind enough to reply to their inquiries.

And yes, I do think it's better if most of us were registered, or at least were using a designated username especially if you're going to hang around for a while. It allows us to make coherent dialogs.
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