thanks alot
1.osx leopard
2.system preferences,firewall, allow all incoming connection, no firewall i guess.
3.1gb ram
4.93 gb space available
5.broadband connection
6.modem>motorola surfboard SB5100 router> netgear rangemax wirelessrouter WPN824
7.connecting from my home
8.latest version of limewire
9. local internet provider test worked
11.yes, dell inspiron using Ares p2p (work perfectly by the way)
12.Used lime wire about 3 years ago in PC and worked correctly, first time in mac
13.yes i see the brickwall infront of the blue world
14.not sure, i dont know how to check for this
16.Honduras, Central America
other than that limewire states that my connection is very strong. |