Dear Lord of the Rings,
I may have overlooked possibly it but "ignore" I refute completely. To say I ignored something or other as you say presupposes that you, can read my mind and therefore you are saying you are a mindreader.
Forgive me but even though I don't know you, you are most certainly not a mind reader.
Sometimes there are people who will say such condescending things to other people, such as what you have said to me and such things as "You're always doing this or that" (this or that incorrectly of course) I say, "Really?" You mean even while I'm asleep I'm always doing (incorrectly of course) what you say? Hardly.
You, obviously to me, that is, are a 'control freak' type of person or individual. I know how to deal with such people with such attitudes as this and at present at least, yours. Firstly answer my major point or you will be ignored.
I rather suspect you may be a moderator of this site I don't know but you are certainly not helpful to a brand new person and an unhelpful e-mail for a start to say the very least. Or are you part of Gnutella or what ever the alias name for Lime Wire is?
It's really very inaccurate language and at least very misleading at minimum and downright nasty not to say, as I say, completely unhelpful. After all I still right now am not "fully connected" to Lime Wire - yet. .....nothing in your reply leads me to that happy conclusion, does it?
It also tells me as you put no links in to guide me that you are unherlpful and somewhat of a hypocrite. Why? Well put yourself in my shoes, simply would you have liked the letter you sent to me be sent to you?
Treat other people the way you would like to be treated if your shoes were reversed with theirs - mine in this case. You haven't done that have you?
So let me ask again, why don't you guide a newcomer? This remember is my second ever post.
What I want has been clearly stated in my first ever post on this message board and nowhere near 24 hours old - yet!
Another thing is interesting to note and that is you haven't answered the most important question and that is a reasonable reply to my most important request.
You've answered a point which is merely my reasonably held belief.
You may not like the fact it is also my opinion, maybe possibly a mistaken opinion of mine in your opinion that is of my opinion, maybe, but just as you have a perfect right to your opinion guess what? I have a perfect right to mine and in fact and this is fact, my opinion to me is just as important to me that is, as your opinion is to you and it's my opinion about that too and my opinion whether you like it or not.
Let me put it another way, you think what you want to think and I'll think what I want to think and then we'll both be happy - won't we? Or do you want to argure about that!
As I say I did not ignore anything. I did not see any links as in "Click here for a detailed answer to connecting fully to Lime Wire".
Now instead of being sanctamonius and misleading why don't answer my question about how I can become "Fully Connected" to Lime Wire or pass me on to someone who'll be a rather more helpful person in terms of achieving my goal or is that too much trouble for you? Otherwise take a long walk of a short plank, why don't you?
PS. Why delete my e-mail address from my first ever post? What is wrong with having my e-mail address on my message if I want that? Why did someone do that and who is he or she?
Last edited by mrwonderful; July 12th, 2008 at 06:56 AM.