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Old July 12th, 2008
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Save the waffle. Pass you onto someone else. Well if they had have wanted to help someone who can't do the simple things such as post their system details, then they would have already. We don't have esp, we don't know what your problem is because we don't have enough details. We have some simple rules on the forum, if you cannot help us by following those rules then good luck. Some forums delete such posts, warn users, some remove such users. We are not so hard here.

I have no idea what you want, since you were supplied a link, have refused to reply back details except troll waffle.

Forum rules are posted at top of each section of the forums. Guests see links to the rules every page they see on the forums. New members see links to the forum rules at least 3 times, and receive an email to forum rules AND providing system details, all included within the forum rules. So don't get control freaky with me buddy. You have ignored the rules time & time again, enough is enough. And btw I am the forum Admin here, not just a helper or a mod.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; July 12th, 2008 at 07:05 AM.
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