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Old July 13th, 2008
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Gnutella Jewel
Join Date: December 21st, 2006
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Default Fiction then?

Originally Posted by Peerless View Post was tucked away in a .txt file in your system32/dllcache folder....

you're riding in a sinking boat d00d....get real and stop arguing with facts....and yes, it is not very often that such technology is used to get data back, but it can be, and that is the argument...
Should I just make the argument up then? Oh I get it. I should stop argueing against your "facts". I thought you were saying I should stop using facts in my arguments. Silly me.

That technology you're talking about can, with luck, pull up a partial file thats been written over once or perhaps twice. The CIA may fire a guy over something like that but law enforcement will need a lot more.

You guys should be upfront with people coming here scared out of their wits. They downloaded and erased a picture of a 3 year old kid and now think the cops are coming down the street any second now.

Tell them to erase it and move on with their life.
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