I'll be upfront with... It's ALL a Crock of BullSh!t.
We've used LW for about 3 Years now and have
NEVER "Mistakenly" OOPS!!!! Downloaded CP. If you have, then You're an _ _ _ _ _
What a Load of CraP.
Ya'll are a bunch of Freaks that could'nt resist the temptation, and now we're supposed to feel Sorry for You. HA HA HA!!!!!!!
If Johnny Law a comes a knockin', then thats something You will have to Deal with.
You made your Perverted Bed and Now You have to Lay in it.
If this is the Kind of Bullsh!t you seek, then You get what you Deserve.
This Thread is Getting Very old with the same ol' SOb Stories. Get Over It Already!!!!!! Freaks