I'm afraid its possible Remok. I downloaded what I thought was a cartoon and got one. You might say I should have used "Preview" but that wouldn't help. Why? Because now the preview and incomplete file are in there. Either you stop downloading images and videos or you are at some risk.
I came here to get help and was accosted by paragons of virtue like you. After listening to your rants I got my toothbrush figuering Johnny Law was turning onto my street about then. While waiting I did more research and found that even if I left it unerased the cops will need more information about who I am.
Here's a short list of situations I remember pedos being caught:
Being seen downloading onto a CD at a public library.
Bragging to other idiots at a bar.
Lured by adults into thinking they had a teen ready for sex and showed up.
Buying CP off a web site using a credit card.
Public nudity, kidnapping and inappropriate physical or verbal contact with a child.
Unrelated crimes that caused the law to invade a home with a sparked interest in the computer.
Its obvious you've got to get the authorities attention before coming under scrutiny and all you're doing is scaring law abiding decent young guys unnecessarily. Peerless I don't think Obama has downloaded CP here. The guys you're addressing don't read the whole thread. They come here and you and guys like Remod scare them into a panic. If you repeated your qualifying remarks like you just made I'd have fewer objections.
It is possible that I will be hit by a bus. But I can't let that stop me from going to work. Nor should I let one overwritten file push me into physically destroying my hard drive. I hope thats an appropriate analogy.
I'll be here from now on the same way you are and will try to moderate the shrill bombastic chest beaters like Rebok who inform 14 year old kids their life is effectively ruined now that they've peeked at the forbidden. They are the same type of people who 100 years ago told kids they were going to go blind if they masturbated. |