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Old July 16th, 2008
SHEBOO13 SHEBOO13 is offline
Join Date: July 16th, 2008
Posts: 2
SHEBOO13 is flying high
Default limewire will not connect to the network/ shuts internet connection down

I have windows xp, 767 mb memory, 6111.2 gb free space. Im running verizon dsl with msn premium, modem is westell 2200, home connection, limewire 4.18.3, java 6 update 7, my test worked, not sharing.

I have used this program for years, and had the limewire pro, and regular before. Never had a problem. when pro ran out It would not let me connect, so I uninstalled limewire and reinstalled it, then when I went to search, it shut down my internet connection. Had to reboot my system up. Meanwhile the site never did hook up to the network. messed with it for two hours, same thing. shutdown modem, rebooted computer, reinstalled java.

I have windows firewall which I turned off. But on the bottom of limewire, it says firewall block. no other anti virus software, that i can find anywhere in my system. i have no clue what is wrong...please help....I loved my limewire. I called the verizon dsl and they said since i have a connection to the internet that nothing is wrong with my modem.

thanks for any help you can give me.........
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