Hey, fellow loonies !
BONKERS is here !!!!!!!
Now, I am taking out 'special time' here from tagging my J.B. Lenoir and Leroy Carr collection, so let's have some respect, huh ???
It's a lot of work to get it all right !
Listen, mon.... You gotta have some faith, right ?
I 'compiled' (but did NOT create) the BS files and I most certainly am the only one who wrote the clear and concise 'install docs' for said files and then 'created' the .zip that has it all - with the bundled Hostiles list, as well, which is part of the reason why it is such a 'large' file... It is being shared by 10s and 10s of 1,000s of nice folks out there !
And, uh, no offence there Capt. P but you gotta be outta your skull to play with ANY app that needs to 'temporarily reset the system time and date'... Makes a whole hat-full-of progs go ape-sh¡t !!! Large-scale !
All due respect (too much in the eyes of some of the more prejudiced fools out there) to AW... BUT.............. NO SYSTEM CLOCK RESET FOR ME... NEVER !!!!
P, it's a totally clean 0 days thing with NO restrictions... The last really BIG Pro iteration.
Oh, my... Weird as it all was, Vinnie was ace, huh ?
Now, back to choosing the best version of Alabama Blues !!!
btw, Dewey Cox Rules !
p.s. What happened to my PHEX link and the ¡ disponible en español ! bit ??? Never trust a real musician to be a cleaning lady !!!
"..........I want to know just how much longer... how much more longer, I got to wait on you ? How Long ??? How long??? ah, ah.... How long, how much more long ...." Ha Ha Ha Ha Mercy, me... It's like Etta James ! So sweet to hear the REAL original stuff, eh ? Hey, Peerless.... One for you... J.B. Lenoir - Taxpayer Blues and, don't worry, I am always looking for that special special 45 single by Kinky Friedman And His Texas Jewboys about the Swiss/German Insurance Cartel !!! Phex the furriest & most cunning fox you ever wished for .