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Old July 23rd, 2008
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chante.00 chante.00 is offline
Join Date: July 17th, 2008
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Thumbs down LW,again

Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
Try LW 4.8.1 as suggested in PM. I have a suspicion the problem is related to the method in how you installed Leopard OSX 10.5.

Yes, same.

You might have to end up reinstalling Leopard, which is not as painful as it sounds really. Only painful part is doing the updates.

Also, do you have any partitions or 2nd drives on your computer?
No, only an external hard drive. What description of item would l give to Amazon for a 2nd) drive? But l don't want anything to invalidate AppleCare which has paid for a send-in repair (display,some wiring + 2 batterys) + 2 keyboards(do-it-yourself, easy on a iBook, not so on a MacBook).

Do you mean a normal reinstall? Thank you for all the care + attention!
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