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Old July 30th, 2008
Model-Behavior Model-Behavior is offline
Join Date: September 10th, 2007
Posts: 15
Model-Behavior is flying high

You're probably right Lord of the Rings, but in this day of You Tube and 'the like' you would think that people would be more aware. But even if they're not, I never seem to find any FLV files or SWF files just by chance, and I find that so odd. You would think that an "all files" search would pick up both of those file types with or without the users' knowledge, if shared. SWF files were always just as good for me. :-)

I haven't actually seen an SWF file in a long time, possibly 2 years now, ever since Adobe bought out Macromedia. It seems like it's going to be an "Adobe World" from now on, especially with the introduction of Abobe Air, and their new Adobe Media Player.
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