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Old April 9th, 2002
Dividend Dividend is offline
Gnutella Veteran
Join Date: January 12th, 2002
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Default A Straight Copy From My Post In The Win Support Board

This problem is directly associated with the Cydoor Advertising System (distributed with LimeWire, KaZaA, Opera, and many other progs) and the McAfee VirusScan WebScan Module. Although Cydoor has cleaned up their act considerably and is very close to not being spyware, it is still poorly written and causes problems.

There are three ways around this.

1. Delete Cydoor at
Windows\System\cd_clint.dll (Win 9x/ME)
Winnt\System32\cd_clint.dll (Win2K/NT)
Windows\System32\cd_clint.dll (WinXP)
or with Ad-Aware (

2. Replace cd_clint.dll with a dummy file; a benign dll which tells the host application that all is well, but nothing more and displays no ads (Useful to maintain the ability to use KaZaA, but not necessary for the recent versions of LimeWire) available at extract to said directories above.

3. Disable the WebScan module in McAfee VirusScan. It's not too useful, but is still nice to have kickin around.

Hope this helps,

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