The Gnutella never had any default avatars. I added a few simple ones a couple of years ago. I have more recently added a large number of avatars for users to use if they choose to. Also in recent years I increased the allowable avatar size for users should they choose to use a custom one.
Some avatars are animated. Different categories of Avatars depending on what you prefer. Be sure to check through the different pages of avatars since only 10 will show at a time.
See the User CP button top left below the title of the thread, click on it & you will see options on left side of your control panel window.
Signature is automatically added to all your posts unless you click the option at bottom of post not to show signature. (Signatures
must abide by forum rules and
must not include links to commercial or warez sites, etc.) Likewise custom avatars must be acceptable by the wider community.
eg: my penguins is an avatar image.
Check them via your Control Panel > Edit Avatars. You will see a drop down menu for types of avatars. Select the one you desire. Of course you can always change from one to another.
(A few more avatars will be added over coming week)
Sample of browsing Avatar categories before choosing:
(click Thumbnail to see larger view) .