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Old August 18th, 2008
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Remoc Remoc is offline
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Hmmm, Lw has nothing to do with all of the infections that are going around.
The Gnutella Network is the culprit, as any member can put anything and everything they want to, on the Network.
If you would have taken a few hours and Read these Forums, You would know that Downloading Programs, Games, and Images off of the Gnutella Network is Extremely Dangerious.
Well I guess you found out for your self.
Here, I hope is something that will help you Rid your computer of this Infection. Good Luck!!

mrofinu1000106.exe - Program Information

One more thing...Why do you have an Antivirus Program ?? It sounds like it did exactly what it is designed to do, and what do you do ?? WOW!! This is just, well, you fill in the blanks. _ _ _ _ _ _
I Don't Suffer From Insanity, I Enjoy Every Minute of it

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