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Old April 10th, 2002
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Moak is flying high

Thx for reply.
About lies from Limewire, really again? I refered to the old spyware story when users (including me and Morgwen) detect some so called Adware and that some spyware was installed always without asking the user... we were all gently told telling conspiracy theories. The spyware story could be found in the General Gnutella forum, more old posts should be still in the Limewire forum. Perhaps someone would like to search them and post the links again, I'm too tired to roll it up again, after all it was confirmed and is well documented.

About Superpeers, I'm glad that after over 6 months speaking for it, it's on the way into Gnutella. It's a little bit dissapointing it's now called Ultrapeers, came so late but with so much propaganda... without having it for general Gnutella. Ultrapeer hype reminds me to the second propaganda of Gnutella these days, swarming. There is no "swarming" in Gnutella, mostly not even an upload of unfinished files. For a developer it's a unaccapteble to see vendors throwing with empty words, while Gnutella technology in reality is still months/years behind (e.g. eDonkey, FastTrack).
Thx for the rumour that superpeer need clustering... that's one of the _best_ rumour I heared the last weeks. What makes you think a reliable supeerpeer concept does not work together with every client, please don't hesitate with technical details. May I help with one argument: when every peer is a superpeer, we don't need them anymore. A superpeer concept mainly balance load and reduce traffic between non superpeer capable clients (e.g. modem users), there is statistically no need to cluster away from non-superpeer peers in that amount and current network situation. Actually you try to advantage you own clients a little bit (how unfair), clustering because of Superpeer concept is technical nonsense and no need to do. Since you don't see yourself as one Gnutella client anymore, you see yourself as "LimeWire". Sorry, this is against (my) idea of Gnutella and an open protocol.

About the "stealing cycles" issue - that's Kazaa not Limewire.

Last edited by Moak; April 10th, 2002 at 08:41 AM.
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