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Old April 10th, 2002
afisk afisk is offline
LimeWire Developer
Join Date: May 6th, 2001
Location: New York
Posts: 691
afisk is flying high


Thanks for getting back to me. The lying thing is, honestly, ridiculous. I've been here the whole time. I build the installers that bundle all of the spyware. So, if any lies were told, they would have been told by me, and there's nothing I've lied about.

Since we started bundling other programs, LimeWire has always bundled Cydoor without asking the user. We never lied about it. We just did it. It's an ad engine, and LimeWire serves ads.

As you know, we also install TopMoxie without allowing the user to opt out. We don't lie about this either. We tell you in the first screen in the installer what we're doing.

The only other thing I can imagine that you're referring to is the ClickTillUWin scandle. We really did think that the ClickTillUWin executable was just installing a desktop icon because that's what the resellers told us, just as they told BearShare, Kazaa, Grokster, etc. All of us removed it as soon as we realized that it was not doing what we had been told it would do.

That's it, man. Really. That last one's pretty bad. If we had been installing other crap on user's systems, I would honestly tell you.

Anyway, I'll try not to get so defensive. It's just that I haven't lied about anything and don't like people thinking that I have.

As far as UltraPeers, I assure you that LimeWire did not generate any of the propaganda that came with their arrival. We do not control what gets written on ZeroPaid,, etc.

On the UltraPeer issue in general, UltraPees do work seamlessly with every client, and every UltraPeer holds connections to older clients. The UltraPeers do, however, preference other UltraPeers simply because their trying to create the best network possible. If UltraPeers did not cluster, their impact would be reduced, and users would simply not get the increase in scalability that UltraPeers were meant to bring. The reason for preferencing them is basically just that in hitting one UltraPeer with a query, you're in fact hitting up to as many as 80 (and in the future up to perhaps 500) nodes on the network (the leaves of the UltaPeer), as opposed to just hitting one node with a normal connection. It's just a much better network model that improves Gnutella for everyone, and we're clustering them because otherwise you don't get nearly as much improvement.

God, I'm writing a lot today, huh? What's up with that? =) Take care.
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