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Old August 29th, 2008
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Originally Posted by mattie_za View Post
Limewire doesn't give me the option to click on "resume" in the library :-( I have updated incomplete files to 9999
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When you re-installed windows, did you save the downloads.dat & .bak files with the incomplete files?

Unfortunately the new version LW seems to store its incomplete file information differently. I'm not sure which file it stores the information in.

If LW refuses to let you resume the files, it sounds like LW has no history about those files, which is unfortunate.

If they are files from an older version & you did save the download.dat & .bak files, only possible answer I can think of is to go backward in versions. (but you may need a backup copy of the download.dat & .bak files just in case, otherwise the new LW may have affected the ones presently in the incomplete folder.)


Last edited by Lord of the Rings; August 29th, 2008 at 05:41 AM.
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